Iloema en el New York Times

¡Una vez más llegamos a las páginas de The New York Times! Esto no solo nos llena de orgullo, sino que nos da una enorme esperanza en el futuro de la artesanía textil española.

Ceramic and thread: the beautiful collision of two worlds.

Our recently launched edition of handmade embroidery pays tribute to the great cultural legacy behind the ancient ceramics of Talavera de la Reina.

The thread of vulnerability

Sheena Liam is a Malaysian-born nomad, artist and model. As a child, Liam learned the basics of embroidery from her mother, a craft that she has exquisitely developed into a delicate form of self-expression. 

Henry Fonda and embroidery

Historically, embroidery has been done primarily by women, but this has not prevented men from finding serenity when embroidering. 

Editors and curators

Our role as editors begins with an important exercise in reflection.